What is FSC Certification?

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, non-governmental and non-profit organisation established in 1993 to promote responsible management of forests and plantations. The FSC promotes responsible forest management, meaning:
The 1,100-plus members of the FSC include environmental and social groups, indigenous communities, forest owners, wood and paper processors and traders, retail groups, researchers and technicians.
Management is entrusted to the General Assembly of Members, a body divided into three chambers representing environmental, social and economic interests respectively. Voting power is divided equally between the three chambers, based on equilibrium between the interests of the countries around the world, to the north and south.
Good forest management is promoted through a voluntary, independent, third-party certification system that is valid worldwide, being specific to the forestry and wood products sectors in which the various players are involved.

The FSC certification is international, independent and issued by a third-party, specific to the forest and wood sector and to non-wood forest products.
There are two types of FSC certification. For forest owners and managers, there is the Forest Management certification to which verification of the impacts the management has on Ecosystem Services can be added. Then there is the Chain of Custody certification for companies processing and/or trading in forest products.

Cadorin has been part of the FSC Chain of Custody for many years, raising awareness amongst consumers regarding the need to opt for wood sourced from forests safeguarded by this organisation.

The FSC woods available are:
Meetings with FSC ITALIA representatives

The FSC role in the furniture value chain from the forest to certified and labeled products