VOC (Volatile organic compound)

Volatile organic compound

VOCs (or, Volatile Organic Compounds) can be of natural and/or man-made origin, contained in the building, furniture or design components and dispersing into the home environment. This means molecules that enter our daily lives whilst we are often unaware of the degree of indoor pollution.

VOC tests identify a threshold level for multiple substances that may be toxic to the environment and humans.

Choosing to have a healthy home environment also means being careful about what you buy.

The Eurofi ns laboratory tests are a tool to demonstrate the conformity
of a product according to the various reference standards, analyzing
the compliance of the emission of harmful organic substances with
the criteria of all specifi cations issued by the European Union, its
Member States or International Authorities.

For greater transparency, the European standard EN 717-1:2004
linked to UNI EN 14.342:2005 + A1:2008 establishes the assignment
of formaldehyde under Class E1. The formaldehyde tests have shown
the following: Limit Value 0.124 mg/m3 = 0.10 ppm (parts per million),
with the Cadorin results coming out at 0.02 mg/m3 and 0.01 ppm.
Cadorin planks are thus well below the maximum permitted values of
each test established by every authority.

VOC testing is among the requisites for the EQ C2 credit – Low- Emitting Materials – Composite Wood Products and Vegetable Fibres LEED® NC ITALIA 2009 – GBC HOME – for the certification of the construction of houses and buildings with parameters for sustainable building (Green Building Rating System).

tre strati voc

Italian CAM

(Criteri Ambientali Minimi)

due strati voc

Italian CAM

(Criteri Ambientali Minimi)

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Emission dans l’air intérieur


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Emission dans l’air intérieur


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German regulation AgBB

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German regulation AgBB

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Belgian Regulation

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Belgian Regulation

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California Department of Public Health CDPH + LEED v4 and v.4.1 BETA

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California Department of Public Health CDPH + LEED v4 and v.4.1 BETA

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BREEAM® International

due strati voc

BREEAM® International